Risk Management

Guide to reviewing Contract Documentation
In order to help members address the issues associated with the review of contracts, RIBA, in association with RIBAIA, has produced a short guide covering some of the common areas where issues can arise.
The points covered apply to any contracts that are being requested by clients, contractors or sub-contractors, whether the appointment, novation agreement, collateral warranty or other documents.
Public Liability
Public Liability insurance offers protection for you in the event that a member of the public is injured or killed, or their property is damaged, on property you own. This protects you in turn from compensation claims and costly litigation.
Contact us onĀ 0800 062 2042.
Cyber Liability
Creating a cyber-resilient organisation is one of the significant challenges faced by the majority of businesses around the globe but with appropriate solutions your business can manage and negate the risks they present.
Contact us on 0800 062 2042.
Employers' Liability
Employers' liability insurance protects businesses against the cost of compensation arising from claims made by employees or contractors as a result of illness or injury at work.
Contact us on 0800 062 2042.
These are brief product descriptions only. Please refer to the policy documentation paying particular attention to the terms and conditions, exclusions, warranties, subjectivities, excesses and any endorsements.